In early March 2004, the Village Panjalu in charge became one of the tourist areas by the Government of West Java Province. It is the government's appreciation of the potential areas and to participate involving the government to maintain the culture of a region. Panjalu there is one area Object Religious Tourism is in the mix with the nature reserve and the beautiful scenery.
Data archeological findings, the social values of cultural and historical traces Panjalu kingdom is still conserved. In the past, the ancient kingdom known as the kingdom of Galuh Panjalu Soko, built on an area measuring 70 hectares lake.
Obeject Situ Lengkong Panjalu, as the name implies, is a lake covering an area of 57.95 hectares (where = lake in Sundanese) located in District Panjalu north, so it is also known as Situ Lengkong Panjalu, or Situ Panjalu only.
Lake with depths ranging from 4 to 6 meters of the special, also has an island (nusa) covering an area of 9.25 hectares, called Nusa bans or Nusa Gede.
Nyangku Ceremony is a traditional procession purification circuit heirloom heritage objects Sanghyang Borosngora King and the King and the royal regent Panjalu neatly stored and maintained in the sanctity of the Earth alit. This Nyangku word has a broad meaning, namely "Nyaangan Code" (illuminate behavior). The short sentence in the community artikankan Panjalu in a traditional ceremony that is sacred and to be one of Unique attraction for the visitors.
Nyangku Ceremony is usually held once a year, precisely in Maulud in the Islamic calendar on Monday or Thursday at the end of the month Maulud. In this procession, heritage objects was issued from the vault and then issued to Nusa Disallow Lengkong Panjalu situ. Arriving in Nusa Disallow, the convoy stopped to read the prayer. after iyu heirlooms were paraded back very carefully to the venue accompanied by drumming and shouts Sholawat Gembyung.
The highlight of this ritual and the most awaited visitors heirloom that cleans with water taken from 9 different springs and collected from different regions. starting from the sword of King sanghyang borosngora and proceed to other heirloom. heirloom washing process performed on stage bamboo specially made for washing heirlooms.
In the final stage after heirlooms in washing and rubbing miyak original coconut which were created especially for this ritual, then wrap back by wrapping coconut or coconut leaves then wrap back with 7 layers of white cloth and tied with a white cloth, after it was continued by drying heirloom with incense smoke and paraded back to the store to a storage area that is Earth Aliit.
Located at an altitude of about 70 meters above sea level, Situ Lengkong is a blend of natural attractions and cultural attractions are unique in the Area Tourism Situ Panjalu there is also a means of family entertainment such as Boating surround Small island in the middle of the lake, shopping variety of handicrafts and food tasting Typical Panjal , Natural conditions around Situ Lengkong typical cool mountainous areas and away from pollution, making visitors can linger dwell in the conservation area.
So for those of you who like Traveling or road way, do not forget to make time to stop by the Tourism Region Situ Lengkon Panjalu.
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