Friday, 28 October 2016

Published 20:26 by with 1 comment

Cycling in Nawit Bekasi

Nawit is the name of a place in the interior Kecamata Serang, Bekasi. To reach this area (of the Mustika Jaya, Bekasi Timur) must pass through the village completely unspoiled. Each - each village to save the unique panorama. A clump of bamboo garden, barking plantation area, and of course, the vast paddy fields. Its citizens still live in traditional houses.

Plus some of the rise and fall is quite long, the track nawit be excellent mountain bike sports fans Bekasi and surrounding areas. Not even rare mountain bike clubs from other areas visit here to try this Nawit uniqueness.

The place is in the form of clearing an area of ​​two futsal courts were restricted Kali Cikarang and community garden on the other side. A shop just down the bamboo bridge that spans over the river. Here waung stopover cyclists. Behind the stalls there are settlements. And approximately 100m to the east there are springs of pure water. Bamboo garden make this area become cool. A gentle breeze seemed to want to linger a break there.

While diving drinking water, the right words if you cycled to this Nawit region. In addition to cycling, you also can tour the typical cuisine of traditional village, no less with modern dishes today."Warung Street, Five Star Feeling". That slogan commonly heard in the village foraging area.

In this area there is a stall Nawit a beef stew that could destabilize the cyclists tongue. The place is a favorite after pesinggahan cyclists pedal spur tired all day. The beef soup is so delicious, rustic dishes are still strong in aroma beef soup made eager to eat out after a day of cycling tired.

1 comment:

  1. Enggak nyangka, ternyata di Bekasi ada tempat kayak begini.


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